
We provide two kinds of workshops: Custom and Standard.

Custom Workshops

Much like the way we discover a teller’s need in a coaching session, we meet to determine the specific needs of participants. Moreover, we design learning objectives to ensure the outcomes you seek. This means you will get what you pay for. Examples include:

  • Participants will learn to craft powerful opening lines for stories
  • Participants will learn to sequence story details
  • Participants will practice vocal imagery
  • Participants will learn to use humor well

Why Custom Workshops:

To incorporate successful storytelling for…

  • video memoirs
  • family gatherings and special occasions
  • sales
  • customer relations
  • librarians
  • teachers
  • therapists
  • toastmasters

Standard Workshops

We provide a comprehensive workshop designed for beginning and intermediate storytellers that include these topic areas:

  • Discovering the storyteller-listener connection
  • Finding your story
  • Finding your voice
  • Delivering your story
  • Setting the mood
  • Discovering the arc
  • Painting word pictures
  • Becoming your own coach
  • Owning the stage
  • And more…

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